Enhanced Liability | Speedpost

Enhanced Liability

While we will take all reasonable measures to ensure that your shipments are delivered to the addressee, please note that high-value items are shipped at your own risk. To enjoy peace of mind at a minimal cost when sending your shipments, you may take up optional Speedpost Enhanced Liability Coverage when you engage the Speedpost services set out below.

The following table lists the details of the Speedpost Enhanced Liability Coverage and Speedpost Enhanced Liability Charges. You may wish to obtain independent advice from an advisor before proceeding with the purchase of the Speedpost Enhanced Liability Coverage.

Please note that the standard limitations and exclusions of liability set out in the Speedpost Terms and Conditions of Carriage will apply if you do not purchase the Speedpost Enhanced Liability Coverage for your shipments. All other terms and conditions set out in the Speedpost Terms and Conditions of Carriage will continue to apply to the Speedpost services provided by SingPost to you.

ServiceEnhanced Liability ChargesMaximum Declared
Value Per Shipment
Speedpost Standard
Terms and
Conditions of Carriage
speedpost express2% of declared value
on the consignment note
$2000S$150 per article or
the declared value,
whichever is lower
speedpost express import^
speedpost priority
speedpost economy
ServiceEnhanced Liability ChargesMaximum Declared
Value Per Shipment
Speedpost Standard
Terms and
Conditions of Carriage
speedpost express2% of declared value
on the consignment note
S$2000S$150 per article or
the declared value,
whichever is lower
speedpost priority^
speedpost standard
N - Saver^
N - Saver^

^ Applicable only to Speedpost Corporate Customers

List of Countries with No Speedpost Enhanced Liability Coverage


AfghanistanBurundiEl SalvadorIraqNorth KoreaSyria
AngolaCentral African RepublicEritreaIvory CoastRussia FederationTogo
BelarusCôte d’IvoireEthiopiaLiberiaRwandaUganda
BeninChadGuinea-BissauMauritaniaSierra LeoneUkraine (including the disputed territories of Donetsk Region, Luhansk Region and Crimea)
Bosnia and HerzegovinaCubaHaitiNicaraguaSomaliaYemen
Burma (Myanmar)Democratic Republic of the CongoIranNigeriaSudanZimbabwe
  • Information accurate as of August 2023
  • Applicable to all Speedpost Worldwide services including Speedpost Express
  • As updated from time to time and any other places with war whether civil or otherwise


The Speedpost Enhanced Liability Coverage does not cover the following situations and events:-

  • Any loss of profits, business or anticipated savings, or any indirect or consequential loss or damage, or any loss or damage caused by delays;
  • Any loss or damage arising from or in connection with:
    • SingPost’s failure to perform any of its obligations hereunder if such failure is the result of circumstances outside its control including but not limited to the outbreak of war, any governmental act, explosion, accident, civil commotion, riot, industrial dispute, strike, lockout, stoppages or restraint of labour from whatever cause whether partial or general, weather conditions, traffic congestion, mechanical breakdown, obstruction of any public or private road or highway or any other force majeure, fire, floor or any other act of God;
    • any defect (including latent or inherent defects) in respect of the shipment, even if known to SingPost when SingPost accepted it;
    • the shipper’s acts or omissions, including but not limited to defective, insufficient or improper packing, security or addressing;
    • any action or omission by anyone other than SingPost including but not limited to:
      • you, as the sender of the shipment;
      • the addressee;
      • an interested third party;
      • customs or other government officials; and
      • the carrier or other third party contracted by SingPost to serve locations that SingPost does not serve directly.
    • electrical or magnetic damage to, or erasure of electronic or photographic images or recordings;
    • any loss of secrecy in communication arising from the use of the Speedpost services;
    • the hazardous, fragile or brittle nature of the mechanical derangement of the items shipped;
    • any consequences of delay or confiscation by any competent authority as a result of the discovery of prohibited contents;
  • Any loss or damage, delay or non-delivery of the article arising from the detention of the shipment by the customs or any government authority of the destination country.
  • Please note that SingPost shall not, in the provision of Speedpost Enhanced Liability Coverage, be liable for the following key exclusions:
    • Moths, mould, mildew, insects, vermin & inherent vice of the Goods
    • Insolvency or financial default of the owners, managers, charterers or operators of the vessel transporting it
    • Rusting, oxidation, discolouration and corrosion of the article
    • Scratching, denting, bending and chipping of the article unless caused by fire, explosion, overturning and collision of the conveyance
    • Loss, damage or expense attributable to wilful misconduct of the Covered Customer
    • Ordinary leakage, ordinary loss in weight or volume, or ordinary wear and tear of the article covered by Speedpost Enhanced Liability Coverage
    • Loss, damage or expenses caused by insufficiency or unsuitability of packing or preparation of the article covered by Speedpost Enhanced Liability Coverage (for the purpose of this Clause (v) “packing” shall be deemed to include stowage in a container or liftvan but only when such stowage is carried out prior to the Speedpost Enhanced Liability Coverage coming into effect or by the Covered Customer or their servants)
    • Loss, damage or expense caused by inherent vice or nature of the article covered by Speedpost Enhanced Liability Coverage
    • Loss, damage or expense proximately caused by delay
    • Loss, damage or expenses to the article arising from insolvency or financial default of the owners, managers, charterers or operators of the vessel transporting it
    • Deliberate damage to or deliberate destruction of the article covered by Speedpost Enhanced Liability Coverage or any part thereof by the wrongful act or any person or persons
    • Loss, damage or expenses arising from the use of any weapon of war employing atomic or nuclear fission and/or fusion or other like reaction or radioactive force or matter
    • Loss, damage or expenses arising from unseaworthiness of vessel or craft
    • Loss, damage or expenses arising from unfitness of vessel craft conveyance container or liftvan for the safe carriage of the article covered by Speedpost Enhanced Liability Coverage where the Covered Customer or their servants are privy to such unseaworthiness or unfitness, at the time the article covered by Speedpost Enhanced Liability Coverage is loaded therein
    • Loss, damage or expenses caused by war, civil war, revolution, rebellion, insurrection, or civil strife arising therefrom, or any hostile act by or against a belligerent power
    • Loss, damage or expenses caused by capture seizure arrest restraint or detainment (Piracy excepted), and the consequences thereof or any attempt thereat
    • Loss, damage or expenses caused by derelict mines, torpedoes, bombs or other derelict weapons of war
    • Loss, damage or expenses caused by strikers, locked-out workmen, or persons taking part in labour disturbances, riots or civil commotions
    • Loss, damage or expenses caused resulting from strikes, lock-outs, labour disturbances, riots or civil commotions
    • Loss, damage or expenses caused by terrorist or any person acting from a political motive
    • Loss, damage or expenses due to radioactive Contamination, Chemical, Biological, Bio-chemical and Electromagnetic Weapons
    • Loss, damage or expenses due to cyber Attack

For the purpose of this Clause D, the term “Covered Customer” shall mean the SingPost customer who has purchased the additional Speedpost Enhanced Liability Coverage when purchasing the Speedpost services.

Time Limits for Claims

All claims must be submitted in writing to SingPost within thirty (30) days from the date that SingPost accepted the shipment, failing which SingPost shall have no liability whatsoever



A. Dangerous Goods

  • Explosives - E.g ammunition, fireworks, inters, fuses and caps for toy firearms
  • Compressed Gas (flammable & non flammable) - E.g aerosol products, charged butane cigarette lighters and fire extinguishers
  • Liquids - Flammable liquids in any form is not acceptable - E.g. gasoline, flammable solvents, paints and varnish removers
  • Flammable solids - E.g. matches of all kinds and cellulose nitrate films/substances which become dangerous when wet
  • Oxidising Materials - E.g substances which yield oxygen readily, selected hair/textile dyes, bleaching powders and adhesives
  • Toxic & Infectious Substances - E.g drugs and medicines (except samples of poisons/toxins /drugs/medicines in prescription quantities which are packed and transmitted in the prescribed manner)
  • Radioactive Materials - E.g medical or research samples containing substances
  • Corrosives - E.g corrosive cleaning liquids, rust removers or preventative instruments containing mercury/battery fluid
  • Miscellaneous Dangerous Goods - E.g materials having anaesthetic, noxious, toxic or other characteristics which can cause extreme irritation or discomfort in the event of leakage; strongly magnetised materials; and toys containing batteries

B. Prohibited Goods

  • Live Goods (Living animals and plants) - E.g bees, leeches, silkworms, orchids and roses
  • Perishable Goods (Foodstuff) - E.g meat, fish, vegetable and fruits
  • Narcotics and psychotropic substances
  • Obscene or immoral articles / materials
  • All Liquids
  • Coins, bank notes and other valuables
  • Jewellery, watches, precious stones, gems, art pieces, artefacts, furs and luxury goods.
  • Articles which are or are deemed to be illegal to import in the destination country
  • Cigarettes, tobacco, tobacco products, etc.



  • The following items are prohibited from importation into Singapore :
    • (i) Any explosive or flammable substances;
    • (ii) Controlled drugs under the Misuse of Drugs Act (Cap.185), except as authorized by that Act or the regulations made there under;
    • (iii) Poisons, including any preparation, solution, compounds, mixture or natural substances containing unless sent in accordance with the provisions of the Poisons Act (Cap.234)
    • (iv) Any other dangerous article or substance that is capable of posing a significant risk to health, safety or Property when transported by air;
    • (v) Machine-skimmed or hand-skimmed milk;
    • (vi) Any arms, firearms or parts of firearms or any other lethal, barreled weapons of any description from which any shot, bullet or missile can be discharged or which can be adapted for the discharged of any such shot, bullet or missile or any weapons of whatever description designed or adapted for the discharged of any noxious liquid, gas or other thing or any component part of any weapon hereby prohibited to be posted;
    • (vii) Plants with soil or other growing or potting medium from any country except West Malaysia; or
    • (viii) Securities of any kind payable to bearer, banknotes, currency notes or travellers' cheque, unless sent by registered or insured post;
    • (ix) Laser pointers (requires appropriate licenses from NEA);
  • Any article consisting of or containing any public lottery ticket or any advertisement of prizes or any other announcement relating to any public lottery, sweepstake or other transaction. "Lottery ticket" and "public lottery" have the meanings respectively assigned to them in the Common Gaming Houses Act (Cap.49)
  • Any article liable to customs duty unless -
    • (i) sent by parcel post, or enclosed in a letter packet or small packet for delivery in a country or place which admits such parcels or packets; and;
    • (ii) in the case of letter packets and small packets, bearing on the address side a green label giving the description, weight and the value of the articles enclosed;
  • Any article which by the laws of the country or place in which the postal articles posted or to which the postal article is addressed, it is unlawful to send by post;
  • Any pamphlet, magazine, newsletter or other type publication which is prohibited under any written law from being published, circulated or distributed in Singapore; or
  • Any bubble gum, or dental chewing gum, or any like substance prepared from gum base of vegetable or synthetic origin and intended for chewing.
  • Any person who contravenes or fails to comply shall be guilty of an offence.

For more information concerning dangerous and prohibited goods, you may go to Singapore Post website.

Customer Care

Mon-Fri: 08:30 am - 6:00 pm

Sat: 08:30 am - 1:00 pm

1800 222 5777

(+65) 6222 5777